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This is your hero (me) at a friend's birthday party.
This is me with my girl, Christine, on our couch.
This was just a test of our new digital camera's timer feature, but it came out pretty good.
Christine and I at The Brewhouse in L5P.
Also at the Brewhouse (Left to Right): Me, Christine, Scott, Kurt
At another birthday party (Left to Right): Me, Christine, Kristi, Scott
This is me at a sweet ass cabin in Tennessee (That's Frank and Kristen in the background). We proved that humans are militarily superior to Mt. Dew bottles.
Christine absolutely freaks out around spiders. Here I am about to kill one that she discovered near her computer.
Kickin' it after a Dave Mathews concert
Christine with the two luckiest Pringles in the world.
Is she scared or really happy or what? I dunno.
Drunk and Drunker
Playing Asshole. What do you do at Christmas?
Chris and Kim
Chris and Rob and Rob's hair
Rob, Chris and Kim


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Content, design, and biggity-bad-ass back-end code by Rob McBroom

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